Best Picture Oscar Winners of the 1950s : 1.

20/03.2018 1. 1950, Best Picture – "All About Eve" I. Bette Davis’ performance in 'All About Eve' should skyrocket her screen stock :- The 1950 film "All about Eve" received a record 14 Academy Award nominations, breaking the previous record of 13 nominations held by "Gone with the Wind" since 1939. "All About Eve" is not only a brilliant and clever portrait of an actress, it is a downright funny film, from its opening scene to the final fadeout. The 20th Century-Fox production, with Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, Celeste Holm and George Sanders in the leading roles, is being shown only four times, daily at the Roxy Theater. As patrons will not be seated during the running of the film, it behooves them to consult the time table for the Roxy to be sure they get into the theatre at the beginning of the picture, or during the stage show. This system is being tried by management as an experiment. "All About Eve" will...